Posts Tagged ‘treatment’

According to a recent report in PCT Magazine, ant activity is on the rise. “PCOs were reporting a marked rise in ant work, with ants replacing cockroaches as the most economically important pest in many parts of the country. Research commissioned by PCT also indicated the ant segment tied or surpassed termite work as the largest growth segment for much of the decade. Early on, the ant increase was blamed on warmer weather patterns throughout the U.S. as well as an increase in homeowner watering systems.”

This report indicated not only warmer weather patterns being the cause but also an increase in worldwide trading. More shipments arriving in our ports are introducing a variety of new ant species to the US. Dr. Roger Gold, professor and endowed chair in urban and structural entomology at Texas A&M University is quoted in this article saying “The boom in ant work has been characterized by a number of invasive and problematic ant species having been introduced from other parts of the world. It just seems like in the last few years with a lot of trade going on internationally that we have a lot more introductions than I remember in my whole career.”


We know you’ve been chomping at the bit. That’s why Bug Off Pest Control Center is hosting The Termite Training Course. We’ll help you stop those termites from chomping everything else!

We hope you can join us April 28th and 29th for this event and to earn your credits. There will be 2 sessions available. Please see our web site for credit details.


We have had a lot of interest in this series of posts. The fear of bed bug infestations are wide spread. From New York to Los Angeles and everywhere in between, no city is left untouched. They’re in our shopping centers, movie theaters and homes. Hopefully, our series of posts have provided some insight and useful information to protect yourself and your homes from these nasty, little, hitch hikers.

Before we go we want to leave you with this thought from a good friend of Bug Off Pest Control Center, Dr. Michael Potter at the University of Kentucky:

The warmer weather is finally on its way. With that experts are forecasting bed bug infestations to be on the rise. As we continue our bed bug series of posts following up on Dr. Ballards presentation at Bug Off Pest Control Center’s 2010 New York Pest Expo we want to provide some useful information to prepare for a bed bug treatment.

Bed Bug Checklist


With the exception of Charlie Sheen’s latest rants the biggest headline today seems to be bed bugs! They’re everywhere and escaping them is priority #1. With that said, we wanted to continue our bed bug series of posts following up on Dr. Ballards presentation at Bug Off Pest Control Center’s 2010 New York Pest Expo.
