Posts Tagged ‘Spiders’

Most bugs we encounter are harmless. However, deadly insects and other creepy crawlies are a very real threat. Here are some of the most dangerous spiders and insects in North America and how to spot them.

1. Scorpions

With a crab-like appearance, scorpions are predatory and often come out at night. Scorpions like warm, dry climates and are often found in deserts. Take precautions when hiking and camping by keeping shoes, blankets, and towels secured indoors. Stings can feel much like a Honeybee sting with mild swelling or a rash, or may be more serious.


We had another outstanding presentation from Lou Sorkin at the 10th edition of the New York Pest Expo. He was generous enough to share with us his knowledge and experience with spiders.

Louis Sorkin BUg Off Pest Control Center New York Pest ExpoTo start, Lou passed around a shed spider skin for everyone to observe. It was fully intact and looked like a live spider. This was just a teaser to introduce the audience to the anatomy of the spider.

Spiders have only two body segments instead of three: a fused head and thorax (cephalothorax) and an abdomen. They have 8 legs and usually 8 eyes. They grab their food with the chelicerae. Some chelicerae are hollow and contain venom glands. They use these glands to inject venom into their prey. In the abdomen there are spinnerets. They produce the silk that spiders spin into a web and trap their prey.


This years New York Pest Expo is going to be the best yet! Our line up of speakers is outstanding as is our collection of exhibitors. Here’s a sneak peek at two more of our esteemed speakers. Keep checking back for more introductions and details on our exhibitors. 

Once again we will be hearing from Dr. Bill Robinson, B&G Equipment. Dr. Robinson will be presenting Tracking Insecticide Use: Avoiding waste, the under-application and over-application of pesticides through the proper use, maintenance and calibration of modern equipment. Employing tracking technology when using sprayers, foggers, dusters and bait guns.

Dr. Bill Robinson is the Technical Director of B&G Equipment Company. He has served as a Professor and Director of the Urban Pest Control Research Center at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He is also a Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University, China. Dr. Robinson is the author of over 200 papers in scientific and trade journals in the U.S., Europe and Asia. His most recent book Service Technician’s Field Manual, was published in 2011.
